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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Download Your Own BibleCLUE Daily Devotional Journal!

Starting today, BibleCLUE will no longer be doing daily posts.  We do have a new Daily Devotional Journal for you, though!

Here's some more information on the Daily Devotional Journal:

The Bible is the Living Book!  If you have put your faith and trust in Christ’s shed blood as your only way to appease a holy and righteous God, you should have no trouble finding great verses in your every day reading.

Each day in the devotional journal, you will find a variety of Scripture to read.  Just as our daily diet of food needs to consist of a variety of nutrition, so to our daily Bible reading should include variety.  Every day there will be one or more chapters (or portions) from the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament.  With this variety, coupled with prayer, your spiritual diet will be balanced.

You do not need to start on the first of January, but if you are just starting your daily Bible reading using the journal, then it is easiest and best to start on day one.  Please record, in the spaces provided, a verse or verses from each chapter, Psalm, and Proverbs that you read as you read them (example verse(s) and further instructions for leap years are given underneath the appropriate daily charts).  This can be a verse that convicts, encourages, inspires, directs or shows God’s love.  If this task proves difficult, then find what you believe is the key verse that sums up what the chapter you read is portraying and record that instead.  Next year, start all over again, and then you can compare and see how God has richly blessed your spiritual life. (There is a sample in the devotional to show you how to fill out the charts if you find these instructions confusing.)
If you need the devotional document in a different format or have trouble downloading or using the file, please feel free to leave a comment below or email us.  We will be happy to help.

We would love to hear how your life has been blessed by prayer and God’s Word.  If you find a verse or verses that touch your life, please send us a note about what you have found.

Thank you for sticking with us over the last 2 years, and we hope you enjoy the Daily Devotional Journal!

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